
At Capital Four Four, we understand that having enough cash on hand can be a challenge for small businesses looking to capitalize on growth opportunities. As investors ourselves, we know that it takes money to make money. That’s why we offer fast and easy business cash advances that can help take your business to new heights.

After the worldwide impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve experienced unprecedented growth in both our operations and those of our customers. This has created an increased need for a stock of funds. To meet this need, we’re offering financial investors the opportunity to share in our success by making funds available for lending through our portals. Retail investors can now diversify their portfolios by adding venture capitalist and “MCA investor” to their resumes. MCA investing has become a popular way for investors to avoid the volatility of the stock market while helping small businesses that may not have access to traditional funding.

Although there’s always some risk involved in investing, our merchant funding agreements minimize that risk. Our customers continue trading, making daily repayments through merchant debit orders, which helps reduce total debt exposure on a daily basis.

For those who participate, we offer returns between 1% and 1.5% per month, payable monthly, for the duration of the Merchant Funding Agreement with our client. All of our MCAs run for a 6 or 8 month period only, providing investors with a clear and defined timeline for their investments.

At Capital Four Four, we believe in providing our investors with opportunities to diversify their portfolios across multiple funding opportunities and cash advances. When you invest with us, you’ll have the ability to spread your investments across various businesses and ventures.

To ensure that our investors’ portfolios are well-diversified, we limit the maximum exposure to any single cash advance to 10%. This means that your investments are spread out across multiple ventures, minimizing the risk of any single cash advance significantly impacting your portfolio.

With Capital Four Four, you can invest with confidence, knowing that your portfolio is well-diversified and managed by a team of experts dedicated to your success.

If interested, please contact us